Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM)

The Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager certification is industry standaerd certification in regulatory compliance area for financial institution or individual working in such industry. 

Developed by professional in the financial services industry, our certifications are highly regarded in as the symbol of excellence in financial knowledge and skills.

Our Professional Certifications are awarded only to those financial services professionals who pass a rigorous examination and maintain their level of knowledge with ongoing education.


The Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) certification can be attempted by any professional who are working in financial sector or banking industry:



The Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) certification exam will evaluate candidates knowledge in following areas:

  1. Assessment and Management of Compliance Risk
  2. Compliance Monitoring
  3. Governance and Oversight
  4. Regulatory Change Management
  5. Regulator and Auditor Compliance Management
  6. Compliance Analysis and Internal/External Reporting


Certification provides evidence that you have attained the skills and knowledge in the field of compliance.

Certification demonstration your effort which you have spend on necessary to study and prepare to pass certification exam.

After earning certification, you will gain recognition by your peers and others in the industry.

Providing your employees with opportunities to grow their talents and master new skills, you are demonstrating a commitment to their professional development that can translate into greater loyalty and better retention rates for your high performers.

You are able to steer your organization through potential problems, make recommendations that may prevent complications later, and provide your clients with good advice.

Your organization may showcase your certification got get enhanced benefit from their customers.



IGC Accredited Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) Certification test candidates preparedness holistically.

  • Exam Type - Objective
  • Exam Duration - 60 Mins.
  • Number of Questions - 40
  • Passing Marks - 65%

Note - This certificate do not expire or require renewal.